A compilation of shots that I had the pleasure of working on while at Luma. Shout out to Anthony Grant, Schiller Jean-Louise, and Lily Morgan for helping acclimate to Luma's pipeline!
Korg's Axe: This was my first asset on the show. Modeling/Texturing/Shaders. Was a nice intro to Luma's pipeline.
Set Alteration: Anthony Grant and I digitally altered the room that this was shot in, adding subtle details to the walls.
Set replacement: I digitally replaced the door that was exploded for this shot. Modeling/Texturing/Shaders.
Tri Head's Axe: This was the second weapon I did for the show. Modeling/Texturing/Shaders. Fun fact, the head on the right is a scan of the director, Taika
Thanos' Ship: The modeling team at Luma had a very short amount of time to model and texture this ship, so we broke it up. I modeled the front cockpit part. Schiller Jean-Louise, Chaiwon Kim, Lily Morgan, and others modeled and textured the rest.